A Climaveneta Chiller had a failed controller which due to unsupported hardware required the replacement of the Master & Slave Controllers at great expense, so much so we costed out our inhouse upgrade proposal which proved feasible when compared to the manufacturer’s replacement costs; but with tonnes more telemetry for energy and off-site diagnostic tasks saving the customer service and maintenance costs.

We replaced the Climaveneta Master, Slave, Expansion Board and un-networked EEV Driver Cards. We added many more monitored points than what was available from the old controller, for example:
- All the 4 systems EEV Valve Telemetry which was unavailable from the Manufacturers old Control System; Modbus enabled.
- All 4 Compressors Discharge Temperatures, not previously installed.
- All 4 Systems Liquid Line Temperatures to assist with Subcooling Calculations not previously installed; live monitoring of Refrigerant Charge, so being able to be proactive in refrigerant leak identification and minimising refrigerant losses.
- All 4 Systems Water Cooled Condenser Leaving Water Temperature and a Common Inlet Condenser Water Temperature not previously installed; assisting in Condenser Heat Exchanger Health, looking at Approach Temperatures and Tower Return Water Temperatures.
- All 4 Compressor Currents not previously installed.
- The latest Envelope Running Control for Bitzer Screw Compressors with 4 Stages of Capacity on each compressor.
- All the above telemetry is available over BACnet over Ethernet.
We are well placed to offer the services of a Facilities Company who have developed an offsite Monitoring Service harnessing all the above telemetry. Their server and Software look for operations outside a footprinted chiller and flag ‘Out of Scope’ operations to the user via Txt, email or from a bespoke site Front-end facility, all innovative technology for the HVAC Sector. Get in contact if any part of this project is of interest to you.