In the first year of picking up this new contract, we had to nurse-maid the Airedale Chiller through our first summer season. There were several inherent problems with the installation which stemmed from poor access around the chiller. The 8 year old Airedale Chiller was shoe-horned into the area hemmed in by redundant dry air coolers making any service job a nightmare, this had the knock on effect of the condensers being incorrectly cleaned by previous maintenance companies forcing fibrous pollen into the condenser fins. Once this damage had been done there was no other option than to replace the Condenser / Free Cooling Coils.
We undertook the design of the replacement combined Free Cooling / DX Condenser Coils with all the lift & shift and mechanical handling carried out in-house. Due to no direct access to the roof for a full sized Condenser Coil, we specified each condenser to be split into 4 sections so they can be mechanically handled to the roof saving the £10K Cranage cost if we had not. The Condenser sections were bolted together in situ with the final Chilled Water Free Cooling Headers and DX Refrigerant Condenser Headers brazed in last. A full strength test and pressure test was completed successfully. As part of our works we stripped out the redundant Dry Air Cooler Plant changing the whole demeanour of future maintenance tasks and allowing the revitalised Airedale Chiller to breathe unrestricted.